Frequently Asked Questions

What types of insurance do you take?

I take Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan insurance.

For out-of-network clients, I am able to provide a superbill at the end of each session which then you will submit to your insurance provider for possible reimbursement.

Some out-of-network insurance providers will allow for a “single case agreement” - this means they will cover the cost for you to work with me, just as they would with a therapist who is in-network.

Do you offer sliding scale?

I have a limited number of sliding scale spots that I open for out-of-network clients every six months. Please inquire if you may be eligible for one of these spots.

Do you offer Exposure And Response Prevention (ERP) Therapy for OCD and Anxiety?

I have stopped providing regimented ERP Therapy at this time for anxiety and OCD, however, I do incorporate values-based, purposeful exposure when it is helpful for you to expand, and fully live, your best life.

Rates of ERP “drop out” are estimated to be around, conservatively, 25% of all clients who enter. About 12% of clients refuse to begin ERP altogether, and it is important to note that the studies that show the impressive rates of remission (60-70% of clients reported improvement) were done on clients doing exposures for 60-90 minutes, twice weekly with a therapist, and engaging in exposure homework - often in addition to adding medication. Of those 60-70%, an estimated ~35% remained in remission after five years.

This means there is a substantial amount of people for whom ERP will not work as desired, or may not be enough on its own.

Some say it feels like playing “whack-a-mole” with one obsession or anxious fear being replaced by another, meaning an endless loop of exposure, and relapse when exposure is reduced.

Other clients are resistant to the rigidity or intensity of exposure therapy, and prefer a holistic, individualized approach.

I do not feel that ERP in its most traditional form is able to provide the self-compassion piece and deep personal transformation that I believe is important for people wanting long-lasting, sustainable benefits. Many highly anxious, obsessive and compulsive behaviors come about as a protection mechanism to protect us from scary or uncomfortable feelings and experiences. Often, people with chronic anxiety have a dysregulated nervous system as well, which needs gentle care and attention in order to balance. I believe by addressing anxiety through a mind-body, holistic lens, we are able to work on OCD and Anxiety with a different approach.